How Does Summertime Visitation Work for Divorced Parents in Texas?

On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Houston Texas Law encounter, How Does Summertime Visitation Work for Divorced Parents in Texas in the immense procedure!

Family Law Attorney Houston – Across southeast Texas, schools are getting closer to completing the Spring Semester and with that three months of vacation time is quickly for students. While just about all parents are concerned with what their kids are going to do to fill the time they would ordinarily spend in the classroom, parents who are divorced will typically be concerned with when they actually get to spend time with their kids as well.

This is especially true for those parents who are the possessory parent, i.e., the one with whom the child(ren) do not primarily reside with. The summer months are seen as an opportunity for this parent to have a chance to experience some extended time with the kids. This blog post will detail some specific information both parents will need to know as summer approaches.


The Texas Family Code draws a distinction between:

1. parents who live within 100 miles of one another and
2. parents who live more than 100 miles from one another.

In this scenario, the possessory conservator will give the managing conservator written notice by April 1st which states the extended period or periods of summer possession (totaling 30 days) that the possessory conservator is requesting for the upcoming summer months.


Houston Divorce Attorney – That period of possession can begin no earlier than the day after summer vacation begins and shall end no later than seven days prior to the beginning of the new school year.

The possessory conservator may exercise their periods of possession in no more than two separate periods of at least seven consecutive days each. Further, each period of possession shall begin and end at 6:00 p.m. on whichever days he or she chooses.


If the possessory conservator does not give the managing conservator written notice by April 1st of that year which specifies the extended period or periods of possession he or she would like to take advantage of during summer vacation, they are automatically granted time with their child(ren) for thirty consecutive days beginning on July 1 at 6:00 p.m. and ending on July 31 at 6:00 p.m.

As far as the managing conservator is concerned, that parent shall have possession of the child(ren) on any one weekend beginning Friday at 6:00 p.m. and ending on the following Sunday at 6:00 p.m. during any one period of possession by the other parent.

The caveat to this rule is that the managing conservator must give written notice by April 15th to the possessory conservator of their intention to take advantage of this weekend. Unlike the drop off/pick up rules for the rest of the year, the summer time sees the managing conservator be responsible for transportation purposes in this scenario.


Houston Family Lawyer – Additionally, if the managing conservator provides the possessory conservator written notice by April 15th or provides the possessory conservator 14 days’ written notice on or after April 16th, the managing conservator has the ability to designate one weekend beginning no earlier than the day after summer vacation begins and no later than seven days prior to the school year beginning in the Fall, during which time an otherwise scheduled weekend period of possession by the possessory conservator will not take place.

This is provided that the weekend that the managing conservator designates does not interfere with the possessory conservator’s period or periods of possession of extended summertime possession or Father’s Day weekend (if the father is also the possessory conservator).


The above schedules may seem rigid and fairly tedious to those who have never laid eyes on them or lived through them. Parents in Texas are expected by law to both play a large role in their children’s lives even after a Texas divorce is finalized. While the above run-down of visitation during the summer months is the reality for many parents across our State, it is not mandatory for parents to have this language run their lives each summer.

What can happen, and what each family law court across this State would prefer happens, is the parents coming together to agree on a plan for visitation that works best for them and their children. This is opposed to shoe horning their lives around what the State has as a “fall bac” option for Summertime visits with Mom and Dad. Parents and their attorneys have the opportunity to get very creative with how the summer days can be spent for the children splitting time between the parents’ homes.

While the summer is intended to be a time of relaxation for children, when Mom and Dad are not seeing eye to eye it can be a time of stress and anxiety for even young children. When going through the Texas divorce process it is in everyone’s best interests to remember that ultimately what is best for the children is what’s best for the parents.

Divorce Lawyer Houston – The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan are advocates for parents going through divorce but are empathetic towards and understand the importance of the happiness and wellbeing of the children … Continue Reading


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