Reality, Art and the TV Show Divorce

On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Reality, Art and the TV Show Divorce with the immense procedure!

Divorce Attorney in Houston: It is fairly well established that we are living in a golden age of television. While newly released movies are seemingly limited to re-makes of old movies or re-re-makes of comic books stories, television has produced critically acclaimed programs that have made for appointment viewing.

Whether you enjoy watching network television, cable TV or the premium channels that cost a little extra you can get bang for your buck wherever you turn when it comes to televised entertainment.

One such show that was released in the fall of 2016 is called Divorce. This show is a comedy series that airs on HBO and stars Sarah Jessica Parker and Thomas Hayden Church. Parker, you may recall, was a star on the show Sex and the City- another TV behemoth which began on HBO.

The show has been on the air for one season and was picked up for another season by HBO so if you haven’t seen the series yet there is still time to do so before Season Two premieres.

The show is based around the character played by Parker who is married to a man played by Hayden-Church. Parker’s character has an affair which leads Hayden-Church’s character to push for a divorce.

The couple has a teenage daughter who is caught in the middle of the uncertainty surrounding the couple having to deal with the infidelity of Parker’s character. Along the way the viewer meets members of the couple’s social circle and a glimpse into the character’s world reveals the sort of emotion that actually does occur in real life divorces.

What connection does a TV show have to my divorce case?

Houston Family Attorney: This blog post isn’t intended as an advertisement necessarily for this TV show- although I suppose it will come across the way. My main purpose in writing about this show on behalf of the Texas divorce attorneys and staff of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC is to point out that Divorce, whether we like it or not, has become a part of the public consciousness.

I’m not attempting to start a debate as to the reasons why this is so, I’m merely pointing out that judging by what we read and see in the media this seems to be a true statement.

What I would like to do is take a look at the first three titled episodes of the show and connect them to helpful advice to a person who is facing a divorce. Whether you are the spouse that is planning on filing the divorce or you are the spouse who has just received divorce papers, the process can be emotionally draining and difficult especially if you are not prepared for what you are about to encounter. Let’s get to it:

“Next Day”

Houston Family Law Attorneys: It is not surprising to learn that most clients become frustrated when they find out that their case is not proceeding as quickly as they would like. Besides the fact that the fastest a person can get divorced is sixty days after filing for the divorce, there are sometimes delays that come up in a case that cannot be helped by either party or their attorney.

With that said, I advise clients to take their case on a day by day basis in an attempt to control the aspects of your life that you are able to. This starts with your children and making sure they are doing as well as possible emotionally and otherwise. Take the time to make sure your children know you are there for them despite the hurricane of events going on behind the scenes in your divorce.


Divorce Houston: The reason why Texas mandates that parties wait at least sixty days to get a divorce after one party files is so allow the parties to seek counseling or therapy in order to possible work on the issues that have driven the couple to the brink of divorce.

The state wants to preserve marriage as a matter of public policy and often times parties will seek a professional out to discuss the issues of their marriage. Stable families make for well-developed children and the attorneys at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC would advise you to seek counseling or therapy with a minister, psychiatrist of family therapist prior to filing for divorce.

It is not uncommon for a person to file for divorce and then to enter into counseling. While this is ok, the better route is to determine if the marriage is salvageable prior to filing for divorce.


Family Lawyers Houston: If you haven’t read through many blog posts that are posted by the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, then you may not know that our divorce lawyers are huge fans of mediation. Just to make sure we are all on the same page, mediation is a process by which the parties to a divorce take their unsettled issues to an independent third party (the mediator) to work on settling their case and avoid having to attend court.

The mediator separates the parties into separate rooms, typically at their office, and walks back and forth between them to help facilitate a conversation on the outstanding issues in their case. A mediator helps both sides understand the strengths and weaknesses of their individual cases which will more often than not lead to a settlement. The bottom line is that mediation allows the parties to carve out the terms of their own divorce rather than having a judge play tie breaker.

The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC- Family Law Attorneys for Texas families

Family Lawyer in Houston: It is critical to understand the issues inherent in any divorce case and the attorneys and staff with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC aim to do exactly that. Rather than direct you through your case, our attorneys believe that having the heart of a teacher can help clients understand the “why” behind certain aspects of your divorce rather than just knowing the “what”. This creates a strong attorney-client relationship based on trust.

If you are going through a divorce please contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. We offer free of charge consultations on any family law matter ... Continue Reading


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