Communicating with your Family Law Attorney

On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Communicating with your Family Law Attorney with the immense procedure!

Divorce Houston: Maybe the most important trait a person can have is the ability to communicate with our fellow human beings. Whether it’s with your boss, your doctor, your spouse or your lawyer being able to listen and speak when appropriate is crucial to succeeding in whatever endeavor you are engaged in.

It could be that one of the reasons you’re reading a blog on a family law attorney’s website or magazine is that communication is not your forte. That’s ok- we all have strengths and weaknesses that we can improve.

If you find yourself in a situation where a divorce is around the corner one of the most important relationships you will have over the course of the new few months of your life is with your attorney. You may not see your attorney as a friend or even an acquaintance, but the relationship is critical to your getting past this stage in your life and moving on to bigger and better things.

How can you take advantage of the time and opportunities you have to communicate ideas and issues to your divorce lawyer? The family law attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC would like to offer you some tips when it comes to communicating well with your attorney that are based on our years of experience handling family law cases across southeast Texas.

Communication is a two-way street

Family Lawyers Houston: A lot of clients will initially feel like their “job” is to take in the information that the attorney provides to them. This is not the case. Information and ideas need to flow from client to attorney and vice versa throughout the time spent as attorney and client.

This means providing all of the information and background material that your attorney requests of you and doing so in a timely fashion. I’ve never gotten upset with a client because they were too quick at getting me information that I needed. I doubt that any lawyer you come into contact with would either.

After all, if you expect to receive advice from your attorney it should come with the expectation that the attorney has reviewed all of the data available to him or her and is making an evaluation based on that analysis. Incomplete information means incomplete advice. A recipe for trouble in a highly contested divorce matter.

The relationship with your attorney starts from Day 1

Family Lawyer in Houston: Many clients hire us after receiving a divorce petition along with a citation notifying them that a court date for temporary orders is pending. When you hire your attorney do not assume that you can take it easy until the temporary orders hearing date.

It is in the preparation for this hearing that outcomes can be gained or lost. If your attorney is requesting that you complete documents showing him or her what your income, expenses, assets, debts, etc. are the best advice is to take this request seriously and do not wait until the last minute.

Complete the forms get it back to your attorney’s office and then follow up with your lawyer to see if he or she has any questions. If you are unable to settle your case prior to a temporary orders hearing then preparation is absolutely essential to do well at a hearing.

Understanding what it means to keep in touch

Houston Family Law Lawyer: A lawyer is nothing if not a professional communicator. Whether it is communication through written word or speech, your attorney is used to communicating on a frequent basis with his or her clients as well as opposing counsel, court staff and other people in the legal field.

That being said your attorney will not be able to contact you as readily as you are able to contact him or her. If you are in business and have clients yourself it is no different than in your field of work.

Your attorney will do his or her best to communicate with you on a regular basis, especially about important happenings, but to expect a phone call each day on your case may be unrealistic.

If you are the type of person that likes to have regular contact with someone when they are working for you (which is a reasonable request, by the way) talk to your attorney and request a time slot each week to speak to him or her about your case. That way you know there is a guaranteed time that you will have your lawyer’s undivided attention.

If you work an odd schedule or have commitments for your children or other responsibilities then communication will be more of a challenge for you than another person with less on their plate. A good idea is to talk to your attorney about these commitments and to work with him or her on how to avoid any problems down the line.

If you know that email works better than phone calls (or vice versa) tell your attorney this right off the bat. From an attorney’s perspective, it is frustrating to take time out of your day to contact a client repeatedly with no response in the form of a reply email or return phone call. Getting on the same page with your lawyer as far as how to best communicate sounds basic but it can be very important.

Make sure your attorney understands your goals and expectations

Family Lawyers in Houston: Attorneys are not in a position to guarantee a particular result. There are too many factors that are beyond our control to be able to predict an outcome. However, lawyers should be able to guarantee that they will be able to work diligently on your case, minimize costs where possible and communicate readily with you as a client.

What goals do you have for your case? Ask yourself this and make sure your attorney is aware of what it is you have set out to accomplish in your case. If you want to be the primary conservator of your son let the judge know how important that is. If you would like to be able to travel internationally to visit family with your child then let your attorney know. Your goals are why your attorney walks into their office every day.

Do you have questions regarding a family law situation? Contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan

If you have any questions that need a response from a family lawattorney please contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. Our consultations are free of charge and our attorneys are available to meet with you six days a week ... Continue Reading


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