Divorce in Texas: How to separate from your spouse with your sanity and wallet intact

On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Divorce in Texas: How to separate from your spouse with your sanity and wallet intact with the immense procedure!

Houston Family Lawyer: Every once in a while potential clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC will walk into our office with questions about a divorce. These folks will begin talking about their situation when they will talk about how they’ve been separated from their spouse for five years, ten years or sometimes more.

When they’re asked the reason why they’ve waited so long to divorce their spouse the response usually has something to do with cost. Either they believed that a divorce attorney would charge them too much or that their marital estate was too insignificant to bother getting divorced in the first place.

From my experience working with clients, I think a big problem people have when they consider getting a divorce is that they immediately jump to the conclusion that the divorce is going to cost an arm and a leg and there’s nothing to prepare for it or do about it.

While a divorce can be expensive it does not have to be. What’s more- there are some straightforward steps you can take to prepare yourself financially for a divorce. This blog post will feature some tips to not only get ready for a divorce but also live comfortably after your divorce is finalized.

Become better organized

Divorce Lawyer Houston: When your life is off kilter and it seems like any normalcy that had existed is no longer there, the best thing you can do for yourself is create some predictability. Becoming organized can help to create this sense of predictability by ensuring that the essentials that you need are always in the place you need them to be.

A divorce will also see your life populated by more commitments than normal- meetings with your attorney, meetings with your financial advisor and court dates to boot. Organization can help ease you into this new routine and make you feel more comfortable.

Determine what your needs and wants are as it pertains to property

One of the final stages in any divorce negotiation concerns property. The theory is that if all of the other issues are already settled- the children, child support, spousal support, the family home, etc.- then dividing up the china and the collection of DVDs will be a walk in the park.

Not so fast. I’ve seen many divorces stretched out for weeks or months because the parties cannot agree on who will end up with what “stuff”. If an object has sentimental value to you then that’s a different story, but if what you’re fighting over is $20 worth of rings (this actually happened) made of plastic maybe consider your sanity and attorney’s fees spent in attempting to get those rings back.

Go back and review how you and your spouse have spent money since getting married

Houston Divorce: Where has the money been spent, what type of housing have you lived in and what sort of investments (if any) have been made? This will help you determine where the successes and failures have occurred in your financial life so that you can make changes where necessary or stay the course where applicable.

If you see that you’ve been living the life of someone who earns double what you do it would be a good thing to take inventory of your decisions and think about a more realistic course for yourself post-divorce.

Stop Living Beyond Your Means

If you have been living beyond your means a divorce is a good opportunity to go home, cut up your credit cards and utilize cash instead of credit

Debt is a burden, simply put. It creates an indentured servitude relationship between the borrower and the lender. Money that could be spent saving for retirement, planning for your kids’ college education or on charitable endeavors is allocated for a financed item instead.

Forget about trying to rebuild your credit- eliminate debt by paying it off and refusing to go back. Once your divorce is done and over with you will have an opportunity to start new without your spouse’s habits hindering you.

Talk to your kids and reinforce the important things in life when you do.

Houston Family Lawyers: Depending on how old they are, your kids will know that you and their other parent are getting a divorce. They do not have to (and should not have to) know all of the gory details but one thing they should be absolutely sure of is that both of their parents love and care for them.

By having a discussion with your kids to remind them just how lucky they are and how lucky you are as a parent to have them as kids you can seize the opportunity to strengthen your relationship with them. What’s more- this conversation costs you nothing and will give you peace of mind that no amount of money can buy.

Research the Divorce Attorney You are Going to Hire

Finally, do your research when hiring a family law attorney, but hire an attorney. Many people think that their divorce is the one that will not take too much time or too much money to complete. The issues are simple, the money involved is small and nobody has time to fight anyways.

Well, many past clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC have thought these things only to find that their divorce was not as simple as they thought. Other people have made mistakes procedurally in filing the divorce or drafting documents and they’ve had to go back to the drawing board to make corrections.

Ultimately in a divorce, time is money. Spending money at the outset of your case on an honest and communicative attorney can make all the difference in the world.

The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC: Client First Family Law Attorneys

Houston Family Law Attorney: After representing clients from across southeast Texas over the course of many years, the attorneys at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC have come to learn that a client first attitude isn’t just what we are mandated to do as attorneys. It is the right thing to do. If you believe that a divorce is necessary in your own life but don’t know where to start contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC for a free consultation. One of our licensed family law attorneys can assist you by answering questions and reassuring you on your particular situation in a one on one conversation ... Continue Reading


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