Enforcement Suits in Texas Family Law, Part Five

On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Enforcement Suits in Texas Family Law, Part Five with the immense procedure!

Spring Divorce Lawyer: Today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC will discuss additional remedies that are available to a parent in an enforcementcase when there is money owed in child support.

Our discussion is largely a continuation of the past few days blogs so I would highly encourage you to go back and read through each in order to have as much knowledge at your disposal as possible.

If at any point you have questions about today’s blog or any other found on our website please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan in order to schedule a question and answer session with one of our licensed family law attorneys.

Remedies for parents who are owed child support

This section sticks out in my mind because I have seen opposing parties have to withstand these remedies due to their not having paid large amounts of child support. We’ve discussed previously that enforcement actions in Texas take on aspects of not only civil law but criminal as well.

That concept comes into play when jail time is handed down by a judge due to your child’s other parent’s failing to have paid proper amounts of child support to you when those amounts are due.

Jail time

Being found in criminal contempt means potential punishment that cannot exceed 180 days in a county jail.

The punishment can be less than 180 days but it cannot exceed that amount. Also, your opposing party can be fined up to $500 per violation of the court order as well. You shouldn’t necessarily expect that this type of punishment will be handed down in your enforcement case but it is a possibility.

Community Supervision

If you have properly plead for jail time for the opposing party in your case, a judge can choose to award that remedy for you. An alternative is to sentence him or her to a period of jail time with the end of the sentence to be suspended in the event that he or she meets certain benchmarks set forth by the court.

Often times in the area of child support payments that means simply being able to pay towards those arrearages or attending therapy or counseling sessions if violence or other issues are in play for your particular case.

Remedies for Violations regarding Visitation orders

Houston Divorce Lawyer: Another reason why you may be interested in filing an enforcement suit in family court would be to bring violations related to visitation to the attention of the court.

Just as we have seen in the area of missed child support payments, judges have the ability to award a fairly wide range of remedies to persons who file cases like these. Let’s take a look at them in some detail here.

Habeas Corpus

Suppose for a moment that your child went over to his or her other parent’s home for a weekend period of visitation. At 6:00 p.m. on Sunday you expected to have your child return to your home only to find that the other parent never arrived at your home.

When you called the other parent your call was not answered. Since then you have received a text message that only said your child would be staying with the other parent and would not be returned for a few days.

If you find yourself in a situation like this your best remedy may be to file an enforcement suit with a habeas corpus request for relief included. The court that handed down your order has the ability and authority to put a stop to this sort of scenario when your ex-spouse has kept your child past his or her court ordered period of visitation. Habeas corpus literally translates to “bring me the body”- this is what the judge would in effect be saying to the other parent.

Certainly jail time and contempt of court proceedings would be appropriate considering the seriousness of what the other parent has done in this sort of hypothetical situation.

However, what you want to achieve- the safe and immediate return of your child- would not necessarily be achieved by fining your ex-spouse and having them thrown in jail to think about their actions. In a pretty extreme situation such as this a habeas corpus action is more in line with what your goals are.

A visitation remedy for out of state parents

Suppose that you recently moved to Texas along with your child from another state. In that state you and your child’s other parent had gone to court for a divorce which included orders associated with visitation of your child.

Now that you have moved to Texas, you came to learn that while at school your child was checked out by his other parent with the intent to return to your state of origin. Obviously this is an extremely dangerous situation and you need to know what can be done in Texas to help you get your child back.

Fortunately for you, Texas has joined with most every other state in our country and has agreed to abide by the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA).

Essentially, the state of Texas will now recognize and enforce orders from another state’s court in regard to child custody and other matters. What this means is that if you fear that immediate harm could befall your child, you can request that a court in Texas issue a warrant to find your child and take possession of him and keep him in Texas. You would need to provide evidence to the court sufficient to have that warrant be issued, however.

More on the subject of enforcement actions to come tomorrow

Divorce Lawyer in Houston: The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC appreciates your time and attention as we move through additional remedies available to parties through enforcement actions in Texas Family Law Courts. Tomorrow a blog post will be published to our website that details remedies related to property division from a divorce decree.

Our office is proud to represent clients across southeast Texas. If you have a question about anything you’ve read on our website please do not hesitate to contact our office today. A free of charge consultation is available to you six days a week in which your questions can be answered by one of our attorneys ... Continue Reading


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