Balancing life, work and your children after a divorce

On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Balancing life, work and your children after a divorce with the immense procedure!

Family Lawyer Houston: In today’s world, it is common for both parents to work. Gone are the days where mom stayed home to raise the kids and tend to the home while dad went out into the world to earn a living for his family. Some say this is a good thing. Women are just as capable of working after all and their ability to contribute to producing income is a net positive for the family.

On the other hand, people will argue that when one parent remains in the home, mom or dad, and one goes and works, the dynamic of the family is better off and leads to greater cohesion and overall happiness. Divorce rates are higher in our world today than they were during the time our grandparents were raising children. Maybe there’s some correlation there?

However you feel about gender, work, and family the fact is that if you are going through a divorce and are a working parent you will need to learn the skills necessary to be able to effectively parent your child and attend to your responsibilities at work. Given that your household income will have decreased due to your having lost a spouse’s pay you may need to adjust how you approach your role as mom or dad.

When your divorce concludes there will be a parenting plan put into place that lays out in detail the possession schedule for both you and your ex-spouse.

This will be your roadmap for the foreseeable future. Of course, you are able to deviate from that roadmap with the agreement of your ex-spouse if alterations or variations need to be made. For the most part, however, your possession schedule as laid out in the Final Decree of Divorce will act as a default for you both to rely upon.

The question remains- how best can you tackle your parenting responsibilities within the context of a possession schedule and work schedule? Before your divorce concludes it is important to consider a number of issues. Read on to find out what the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC have to say on this subject.

The Geographic Restriction

Is it appropriate or beneficial for your family to have a geographic restriction in place as to where your children are able to reside? If your children live in Harris County a common geographic restriction would be to have them remain in Harris or any county that touches Harris County.

This applies no matter if you or your spouse end up being named the parent with the right to designate the primary residence of the children. I have had clients who in the past have split custody 50/50 and decided upon a school district as their geographic restriction.

The bottom line is that distance for travel is one the biggest determining factors in not only your quality of life with your children but in your ability to utilize effectively the time you do have with them. If you spend all of your time picking your children up and lugging them home, or to school or to an extracurricular activity you are not getting in sort of relationship building time that you and they need.

The stories that you hear from other parents that they enjoy the car rides home with their children because they are able to talk? They’re missing the point. Being at home, together, is where you are able to stop the pace of the world from infiltrating your family even if it’s just for a moment.

Electronic possession

Divorce Lawyers Houston: I know there is a push in parenting circles to restrict our children’s access to electronics like phones and computers. However, I would argue that for divorced parents electronic periods of possession can be great to tide you and the kids over until you actually can physically be with them.

If the use of electronics is reasonable in terms of time length, is not disruptive of their activities and encourages communication I say it is a positive for divorced families. You as a parent need to understand that having electronic periods of possession with your children is not appropriate for long lengths of time while your kids are with their other parent. As long as both parents can play nice I believe it can be a positive for working, divorced parents.

Go with the flow

I touched earlier on an important topic that I don’t think many people know when a divorce is first filed. Many people, of which you may be one, believe that their case will be decided by a judge and that he or she will be watching every move that their family makes after the divorce is finalized. This is not the truth, however.

Most divorces are settled outside of court through negotiation and mutual agreement. On top of that, the terms of the Decree which you decide upon need not be followed exactly as long as you and your ex-spouse agree to any variation made. If no agreement “on the fly” can be arrived at then your Decree should be relied upon.

However, in the event that “life happens” and you need to change a pickup/drop off schedule it is great to be able to directly communicate with your ex-spouse and arrange that alteration between the two of you.

This encourages communication, co-parenting and general civil behavior. If you and your ex-spouse can show this level of respect towards one another, even given busy work and life schedules, you can bet that your children will notice and mimic your behavior. On top of that, each of your parenting time will be that much more productive.

Questions about parenting after a divorce? Contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC today

Family Attorney Houston: If you are a working parent with questions about managing your time after a divorce please contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. One of our licensed family lawattorneys will be available to meet with you six days a week to discuss your case in a free of charge consultation. We represent clients across southeast Texas and would be honored to do the same for you and your family ... Continue Reading


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