Mistakes to Avoid at the Outset of your Texas Divorce
On the off chance that you have require a best reasonable Texas Divorce Law encounter, Mistakes to Avoid at the Outset of your Texas Divorce with the immense procedure!
Houston Family Law Lawyers: It only takes one of you or your spouse to file for divorce. No matter if you filed or your spouse did- a divorce is staring you in the face and it is time to begin the process of ending your marriage. While this time in your life is surely emotional and unsettling there are ways to best ensure that it does not have to be as bad an experience as you may be fearing.
If you think back to important experiences in your life you will probably agree with me that it is much easier to start something on the right foot rather than to have to spend a great deal of time making up for early mistakes. With that said, the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC would like to take this opportunity to discuss with you some our tips for avoiding substantial mistakes early in your divorce process. While we cannot guarantee the success of your divorce, there are certain actions that we have seen repeatedly cause problems in divorces. Avoiding those problems and keeping your eye the goal of a completed divorce can ensure this unpleasant time in your life is kept to a minimum.
Consider therapy and counseling to handle issues in your divorce
The best way to avoid mistakes in a divorce is to avoid the divorce altogether. No need to check the name of the website you’re reading- you are still on the attorney’s webpage. While our office would be more than happy to discuss your case with you and game plan a strategy for you to accomplish whatever goals you may have it is not our desire to end families and relationships. If there is any chance for reconciliation between you and your spouse I would advise you to seek those alternatives rather than seek the counsel of an attorney.
While you can always remarry a person, the result of a property division or bitter child custody battle will leave permanent scars and changes to the topography of your family. If your spouse has done something to truly upset you the best response is to wait to address the issue until you are in a calm and rational mindset. Address the problem with your spouse directly and seek clarification or whatever you need from him or her. If that is not forthcoming then you can attempt to set up a time to speak to a counselor or therapist. You may be surprised to learn that your spouse has issues that he or she would like to address with you in a non confrontational environment.
Bottom line: keep your powder dry and aim to settle issues with your spouse before even talking to a lawyer. Once you give yourself permission to think about divorce it is hard to put those thoughts away and not revisit them the next time you find yourself upset with your spouse.
One you do speak to an attorney- be careful which one you hire
Family Law Lawyer Houston: When potential clients walk into the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC for a consultation I will always ask if he or she have spoken to any other attorneys or if I am their first. Regardless of what they say I will always advise a person to seek multiple viewpoints on advice on their divorce before hiring someone to represent you. At the end of the day your divorce is an intimately personal matter. You should trust and feel confident in the person representing you.
Another word of caution is to be aware of lawyers telling you what you want to hear in order to win your favor. Part of being an attorney is being an advocate for your client and placing their interests before your own. Another important part of being an attorney is giving advice and guiding your client as best as possible.
That sometimes means telling your client things they may not want to hear but need to hear. Having an attorney who is rational, honest and capable of speaking to you honestly is the best case scenario. You can find that person by learning about family law attorneys, the services that they provide and what sort of personality you personally need in your attorney.
Do not ignore opportunities to settle your case before trial
Television and movies have probably lead you to believe that all divorces end up in a courtroom where a judge makes decisions for the participants’ lives. This is far from the actual truth. Most divorces end in mediation with the parties settling their issues outside of court. This is a desirable result in that your judge, no matter how well intentioned, will not have an opportunity to learn about your case and your lives to a sufficient degree to be make a decision that will incorporate all of your lives’ circumstances.
Your spouse and you will always be the best judges of what is best for yourselves and your family. Putting aside your differences and the hurt that you may feel to settle a case when that is possible may be difficult but it is the right thing to do.
Finding an attorney who supports you in your desire to settle your case and then making sure that this stance is communicated effectively to your spouse and their attorney is crucial. You can save time, money and sanity by settling rather than litigating your divorce.
More mistakes to avoid will be posted tomorrow by the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC
Kingwood Divorce Attorney: Additional mistakes that are easy to make will be posted tomorrow here on our website. While a perfect divorce isn’t possible, you can avoid problems if you have a plan ahead of time. If you have questions about common divorce mistakes or any other subject related to family law please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. A free of charge consultation is available to you six days a week with one of our licensed family law attorneys ... Continue Reading
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